Shakey Wordings

"Snookeroo, oo mookeroo."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Weekenders

Been a while...

At lunch, Enolk, Ivel, Breaz, Bumfluff, another one of my friend who as of yet doesn't have an alias, and I went to Enolk's and had cones. We chilled for a while, each one leaving at a time then I went home while Enolk and Breaz went and picked up an oz each.
Gave Breaz a call at about 8, then road over to Enolk's and had a fat dro chop! :D
I stayed at Enolk's that night, Ivel came over as well and we just seshed and macked it.
Didn't do much when Ivel and Breaz left, had some more cones and watched a movie on SBS.

Woke up, had a wake and bake with Enolk and just chilled all day til about 2, when I went home. When I got home, Mum and I went to JB Hi-Fi because I wanted to get a PS2 so I could play my old PS1 games and buy some Pre-owned PS2 games. I knew that PS2's were being phased out, but I didn't realise that they'd stop production in December. Then I was worried about the amount of money I'd be spending, regardless of mum's $100 input. So I gave it a miss after Mum and the Game Assistant, or whatever they're called, told me it wasn't really worth it.
So I got Oblivion for 360 and left. I can't actually remember what I did Saturday during the day, I was at home.. probably just playing 360. But after calling Enolk, he came by with Ivel and we chilled for a little bit. Then Mum gave me her bike light, because I was going to ride to a party in Leederville. Just at the end of my street, at Enolk's street I turned the corner too sharp (lolfailn00b) and fell onto my knee, both my hands and right on the tip of mum's bike light, just hard enough to make it explode into many a parts. I didn't get hurt, which is what Mum was more worried about, and I offered to buy Mum a new bike light but she doesn't want one.
So instead, we rode to Henza's house, where we met up with Sims, Carpenter Boy, Jist, Thommothy, Samy B and his mates, Aiden and Chaz. We stored our bikes and walked to the party.
A fucking trek it was, took us ages to get there and once we got in, after jumping the fence, we were then kicked out of the party and the cops were called...
So me, Enolk and Opeo walked to Maccas and then headed off to Cloud's where she was going to have whoever got kicked out over at hers. Chilled for a while as I helped her clean the house etc and walked back to Maccas and walked home with Henza, Enolk (he was staying over), Jist and Surge. Got home, had cones then slept.

Wake 'N' Bake!
Chilled with Enolk til like 11/1130 then went over to his. He had a shower then we went to the Deli and then caught the bus to the city. Went to JB, I got a brand new pre-owned copy of Assassin's Creed, I swear it looks fucking brand new, the seal was sealed too. Then we wandered on over to Off Ya Tree and I got myself a nice new billy. :) Costing me $76 or so for a kick arse 30-40cm or so nice thick glass bong with three indents in the glass chamber to place ice on top of (dardy cooling cuz), with a rubber base, good for cleaning and this time it won't crack from putting it down.. lol. I also replaced the metal stem and cone piece with a glass stem and a slide out cone piece, or 'Bowl'. Amerifag style! :D Pulls very cleanly and you can taste the weed so much more. SO GOOD! Maybe get a flick of it up later.
Then we headed into Northbridge to get smokes and Good Fortune NOMNOMNOMNOM.
Came back to mine after meeting up with Ivel and walking home... (fucking Sundays).
Smoked from my new bong, and went to Enolk's again after we did so. I chilled at his til about 8 then came home, saw Mum and Dad on their Anniversary, though they're split up, and after Dad left I had some cones and went to bed.

Now it's Monday and I stayed home today because I woke up late...
Lemme just leave you with this..

1 comment:

  1. a pimp named slick back or breezAugust 5, 2009 at 9:31 AM

    haha nice story man i enjoyed it hahaha
    megan fox aouwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
